"Rasulullah senantiasa berwajah ceria, beliau pernah bersabda, "Janganlah terlalu membebani jiwamu dengan segala kesungguhan hati. Hiburlah dirimu dengan hal-hal yang ringan dan lucu, sebab bila hati terus dipaksakan memikul beban-beban yang berat, ia akan menjadi buta"

b@L@ tEntEr@~

05 March 2014

#throwback #activityINdEVENING #withHIM

This is a limited tutorial class for riding this kind of motorcycle ;) hehe
This one is a special class for the person he love the most ;) hihi
Thanks dear Muhammad Muas ;)

dah pandai dah ;) ngeeeee

U and ME have d same size of feet right ;) hehe

M & A ;)

same face ;)

he's my bodyguard now ! sape brani kaco? silakan~ hihihi

selfie with him ;)


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